I want to start with the Shop Links Directory at http://dawandashopdirectorylinks.blogspot.com, which is fast becoming a great way to find DaWanda Shops.
Why am I looking for help? Well, honestly for two main reasons. Firstly my own work often makes keeping up with this blog difficult, but secondly and more importantly to DaWanda sellers, I want this to become more of a community thing. The DaWanda community spirit is something really to be proud of and I feel together we could really turn this little blog into a great show case for sellers... maybe even create more sales?! The job role isn't a big one... in fact I create posts every other week, but with the main blog and the ning community time is only finite.
If you are interested, please check out http://dawandashopdirectorylinks.blogspot.com/2008/11/become-guest-editor-on-dawanda-shop.html where I have given you full details of the free promotional gifts you will get in return!
Written by Sara of http://en.dawanda.com/shop/sarastexturecrafts
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